Enhance Your Skills and Drive Excellence in Every Implementation

Inriver is dedicated to ensuring a secure and effective PIM system for our customers. Our enhanced Implementation Standards course is designed to help you ensure quality, optimize implementations, and avoid pitfalls.

Explain Standards: Understand their significance and impact.

Apply Effectively: Implement them for a streamlined, efficient process.

Assess Impact: Recognize the importance of correct implementation and avoid errors.

Master inriver Workflows

Enhance your skills with our self-paced mini-courses designed for Workflow Creators and Users.

inriver Workflows - The Creator Role

Learn to configure complex workflows that streamline the product information lifecycle, boosting efficiency and collaboration.

inriver Workflows - The User Role

Understand how to execute your role within configured workflows, ensuring you can efficiently find and perform assignments.

Maximize your sales potential with our new Sales Accreditation course!

Master inriver's Value Proposition
Unpack inriver's benefits: features, pillars, and communication strategies

Transform Your Sales Approach
Learn how inriver caters to diverse needs through ideal customer profiling.

Tailor Solutions and Package Deals
Align inriver solutions with customer needs through flexible pricing and packaging options.

Contact Us

Should you have any questions for us, send us an email at academy@inriver.com